Hospital Grade Breast Pump Rentals
in Lindenhurst, IL
Medela Symphony Breast Pumps for Rent or Sale.
The Medela Symphony Plus, identical to the pump utilized in all Lake County, IL area hospitals, boasts two specialized programs. The INITIATE program is crafted to initiate the lactation process, fostering robust milk production, while the MAINTAIN program is designed for efficient supply maintenance.
This pump is particularly well-suited for inducing lactation, expressing milk for premature infants, building a milk supply for multiple births, addressing low milk supply concerns, or exclusive pumping situations. Unlike consumer pumps primarily intended for back-to-work scenarios with established supplies, the Medela Symphony is specifically engineered for frequent and long-term use.
Its versatility and design make it an ideal choice for various lactation needs, ensuring reliability and effectiveness in diverse situations.

The Benefits of Medela Breast Pump
Rentals in Lindenhurst, IL
The Symphony Medela Breast Pump sets itself apart.
The Symphony® sets itself apart by mimicking the natural sucking pattern of a baby. Beginning with a fast, light pattern to enhance the let-down, it seamlessly transitions to a slower and stronger expression phase. This feature allows mothers to switch between single and double pumping, promoting nursing comfort and establishing a robust milk supply.
Recommended for various scenarios, including mothers separated from hospitalized babies, those with twins, or those seeking to address low milk supply, plugged ducts, mastitis, or latch challenges, the Symphony® is a lightweight and compact alternative to other hospital-grade pumps. FDA-approved for multiple users, it offers versatility and efficiency.

Breast Pump Convenience
Single or double pumping with Initiation Technology ™ : Symphony PLUS technology used soon after birth can significantly increase breast milk production. The INITIATE program contains a mixture of stimulation phases, an expression phase and a pause phase that mimic healthy infant feeding behaviors.

2 Phase Expression Technology
Can be used by all mothers to help build and maintain milk production. MAINTAIN program can be used to build upon initiation and maintain their milk production. Two separate, independent membrane units: Allows switching between single and double pumping by simply applying or removing the 2nd collection kit to the breast.

Initiate, Maintain and Stimulate
Initiate and maintain milk supply if direct breastfeeding is not possible, as well as collect breast milk at work or during other absences from the baby. Moms can easily return to stimulation by pressing the button.

Hospital Grade Breast Pump
Hospital grade (multi-user): The pump’s kit is separate from the pumping mechanism and protected from overflow
Reserve Your Medela Breast Pump
Rental from ProHealth at
For optimal usage, the Medela Symphony pumping kit is essential. While often provided in hospitals, we offer it for purchase if not supplied. Additionally, we maintain a comprehensive inventory of replacement pieces to ensure continued convenience and support throughout your pumping journey. At ProHealth, we are committed to assisting you in creating a personalized plan for building your milk supply, whether at home or upon returning to work, ensuring your baby’s well-being and peace of mind for you. Call us at 847-457-4770 to Reserve your Medela® Breast Pump Today!